Tracking the rare
Common Tern - a scarce species in Extremadura (Martin Kelsey) Birding is thriving in Extremadura. This is driven partially by the numbers of people visiting through " turismo ornítologico " - the rather formal-sounding Spanish description for people coming to Extremadura for birding holidays - but mainly by the growth of birding amongst those who live here, especially young people. There is an email forum with several hundred participants. All this translates to a huge increase in the number of person hours that are being spent in the field, both in terms of participating in survey work and censuses (such as the annual Common Crane census), engagement with eBird (now holding over 13,000 submitted checklists) or simply birding. Couple this with digital photography, better optics and access to first class information, the quality of the observations and increasing skills of the observers, are, I am sure, also improving. And through this, so more and more scarce or rare ...