At the heart of the landscape

Azure-winged Magpie (John Hawkins) There is symmetry, space and depth, a sense of expansive order. In the near distance, the shadows cast by the trees draw uniform dark bands across the sward. Each tree, individually different, but shaped by human hand through the cycles of pruning to offer a sense of managed nurturing, providing an architecture of form replicated a million times across the landscape.....for this open woodland stretches to the horizon and beyond. And even at the limits of our view, there is the stippling, the shapes of individual crowns. A swooping movement brings my focus back and accompanied by nasal calls a band of Azure-winged Magpies move between the trees, casting gentle arcs of motion, swinging in the same direction, to their communal roost. Winter dehesa (Martin Kelsey) Nothing more typifies the Extremaduran landscape than the dehesa . There is no neat English equivalent word for this habitat, and attempts to define it in anglicised form fail eith...